Joe Durant

MPS Dolphin Neurostim Acupuncture Standard Protocol for Back Pain

MPS Dolphin Neurostim Acupuncture Standard Protocol was developed as a treatment approach to provide a simple, easy to apply, non-pharmaceutical solution for the treatment of chronic pain. The protocol involves the application of concentrated microcurrent stimulation to acupuncture points located in the paraspinal lumbar, hips and legs that isolate the lumbar-fascia axis and key nerves of the core of the body. This area is highly influential on overall functional movements throughout the rest of the body. When these acupuncture points are collectively treated with concentrated microcurrent, it has been reported in published science that a wide variety of neuromyofascial pain syndromes can be effectively relieved in a timely basis.

One of the most common causes of low back pain is muscle strain. A violent or jerking motion, or an over-extension of the back muscles usually causes back muscle strains. This causes one or more back muscles, tendons or ligaments to stretch or tear.
About 80 percent of the population suffers from a bout of low back pain at some point in their life. However, some people are at higher risk for chronic and acute back injuries due to their lifestyle. For obvious reasons, athletes are at greater risk of sustaining a lumbar (lower) spine injury due to physical activity. Whether the sport is skiing, basketball, football, ice skating, soccer, running, golf, or tennis, the spine undergoes a lot of stress, absorption of pressure, twisting, turning, and even bodily impact.

This strenuous activity puts a strain on the back that can cause injury to even the finest and most fit athletes, with an estimated 5-10 percent of all athletic injuries are related to the lumbar (lower) spine.


Joe is a LMT and performs Neuromuscular Massage and ETPS Neuromechanical Acupuncture. He focuses on the Treatment of Pre and Post-Surgical Patients, Chronic Pain, Musculoskeletal Injuries.
His Practice is located in Neurology & Neurosurgery Office and also does Contractual Services Provided for Women’s Health Group of Southeast Georgia.
He is Currently Pursuing Study on Electroacupuncture for Diabetic Neuropathy and Authored “Clinical Applications of Massage Therapy in Pain Management” Chapter for American Academy of Pain Management Textbook.
He has Advanced Training in ETPS Neuromechanical Acupuncture (Instructor) and Extensive Pain Management/Rehabilitation Experience with Myofascial Pain/

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